Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Political Changes
In today's class we are briefly looking at two more Progressive Era presidents. The presidency of Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison are examined to see how they too contributed to the reform movement started by Garfield and Arthur.
Secondly we are looking at 4 words that changed political participation.
Dissecting these vocabulary words and making current day comparisons will be the focus of the second half of the class.
Enrichment Group:
Monday, December 12, 2011
Presidential Reformers
Today we are looking at the work of U.S.Presidents during the Progressive Era and their contributions toward political reform. Last Friday we talked about James Garfield and his assassination. By trying to end the "Spoils System" Garfield was actually murdered by a so called supporter who felt he deserved a political appointment. It is a good story an important lesson that many Progressive did pay quite a price for their boldness.
Today we looked at Chester A. Arthur as the new president and how he continued Garfield's efforts at ending the Spoils System and patronage. He went against many in his own party to sign the Pendenton Act and set the stage for meaningful Civil Service Reforms
Enrichment Group: Video Alexander Graham Bell and Garfield
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Political Cartoon Project
To end the unit on Big Business students are creating and sharing political cartoons.
Click HERE for the diretions to the project.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Management vs Labor
In today's class we will be taking apart the responsibilities and definitions of Labor and Management. We're completing a double bubble chart that compares and contrasts the two sides. New words like "Blue Collar and White Collar" are heard in the news all the time and its important the students recognize the differences.
As an extra treat I am showing an episode of the Simpsons' which deals with the topic of Labor and Management. It's funny and entertaining, but truly covers a lot of the concepts we've been learning about such as Colletive Bargaining, contracts, benefits, blacklisting, striking, picketing, and other woprkplace related topics!
Note: Friday test is changed to a Quiz.... I will hand out a review sheet in class tomorrow.
As an extra treat I am showing an episode of the Simpsons' which deals with the topic of Labor and Management. It's funny and entertaining, but truly covers a lot of the concepts we've been learning about such as Colletive Bargaining, contracts, benefits, blacklisting, striking, picketing, and other woprkplace related topics!
Note: Friday test is changed to a Quiz.... I will hand out a review sheet in class tomorrow.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Hey!!!! Welcome Back!!!!
Ok, We're almost to the end of November and we will be finishing up the Business Unit this week. There will be a test on Friday. This week We have to finish Labor Unions and Workplace Problems. All materials needed to review for the exam will be given in class and also found on this blog.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sorry for the lack of posts and I will get back on track when we return next week. We have been continuing the business unit and today started on a 3 day discussion of Labor Unions and the problems they fought. There is no homework for the weekend and I hope everyone enjoys the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Richest of the Rich!!!
Today in class we looked at the richest Americans "of All Time"! The links below take you to interactive sites with these famous Americans.
NY Times List of Wealthiest Americans
another look with a different chart
Wealthiest Americans Ever
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Rise of Big Business
Today we are continuing to look at the rise of "Big Business" in the late 1800's. Technically this is the 2nd half of the Industrial Revolution. We are examining important vocabulary and looking at some of the important inventions and business leaders of the late 1800's.
Today's Vocabulary words
Assembly Line
Thursday, November 10, 2011
End of MP1 (Extra Credit Assignments)
I gave a handout in class today that gave 4 possible assignments to do for extra credit for MP1. The document is also on the right hand side of this page under assignments and handouts.
** for the Citizenship Test ** Don't do written ones, but don't count as wrong
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Immigration Test Tomorrow
Study Homework Sheets 18.3 18.4 and Immigration Notes
There are copies ion this blog on the right under assignments
For those students who took the time to visiit my blog... Here are the short answer questions for tomorrow test!
1. When allowing new immigrants come to America, what were major worries Americans had?
2.Why did Chinese Immigrants have the most prejudice and anger against them than any other immigrant group?
3.How was the Modern American newspaper changed to get more readers to purchase them?
4. Describe a typical New York City Tenement around 1900.
There are copies ion this blog on the right under assignments
For those students who took the time to visiit my blog... Here are the short answer questions for tomorrow test!
1. When allowing new immigrants come to America, what were major worries Americans had?
2.Why did Chinese Immigrants have the most prejudice and anger against them than any other immigrant group?
3.How was the Modern American newspaper changed to get more readers to purchase them?
4. Describe a typical New York City Tenement around 1900.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Test Thursday: Immigration and Cities
This Thursday there will be a test on our Immigration Unit. Students should study their notes from the immigration packet, corrected homework sheets 18 Sect 4 and 18 Sect 3 and review textbook Chapter 18 sections 3 and 4. Student may bring in to the test 2 items from their packet... The Ellis Island Processing Map and the Medical Symbols Map. See the handout section on the right side of this page if you need extra copies.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
From Immigrants to Americans
Today we are looking at what happened AFTER European immigrants made it through Ellis Island. many immigrants ended up living in ethnic neighborhoods.
Video Clip: Great American Melting Pot
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Getting Through Ellis Island
Although getting processed through Ellis Island was not as difficult or traumatizing assome make it seem it was still a stressfuol process for some.
Clip: Ellis Island from the Godfather II
Video Clip: The Great American Melting Pot
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The American Cowboy
Today were are looking at a true American Icon.... The Cowboy! By examining the job of the cowboy we can come to understand who they were as Americans. The clothes are unique and purposeful. The job was grueling, rough and quite dangerous. The pay was abysmal and the hours were Loooooooooong! it was a period in American History that only lasted about 20 years, but remains an important and much talked about subject in our heritage.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Dawes Act/Boarding Schools
Today we are finishing up our studies on the Plains Indians. We examined the decision to send Indian children to boarding schools to become "Americanized". It was a very drastic and radical experiment where the children were striped of their belongings, beliefs, language, names and customs. They were replaced by American culture, but done in a strict, military style approach. This was designed and intended to save the Indian population from government welfare, starvation and possible extinction.
"Kill the Indian to Save the Man" was the motto of many Boarding Schools
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Start of the Indian Wars
Conflicts between White Settlers and Plains Indians started to get increasing more violent after the end of the Civil War. Indians that agreed to live on increasingly smaller reservations became frustrated,malnourished and angry. Many white settlers snuck on to Indian Reservations in search of gold, silver and buffalo hides. Both sides behaved badly and it eventually led to a period of time known as the Indian Wars. Many Plains Indian warriors left the reservations hoping to survive on their own and the U.S.military was brought in to find them.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Native American and the Buffalo
Today we are learning about the many conflicts between American settlers and Plains Indians in the late 1800's. Where Plains Indians do not believe in owning the land, white settlers came to farm and put up fences. Where Plains Indians saw the buffalo as sacred and religious, white hunters saw it as a money making opportunity. These two culture were going to clash and the confrontations became known as the Indians Wars of the late 1800's.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Miners and a Quiz
Today in class we are looking specifically at techniques, difficulties and perils involved in early gold mining operations in California. Using a section of the series Into the West, students will see how the average person could get scooped up in the Gold Rush and how some poor decisions were made along the way by many. Educational, entertaining and also a good lesson on greed and human nature!
Quiz: Tomorrow
Hint..."The effects of the transcontinental railroad on the U.S." is your essay question. Use your chart or download from the notes on the right of this page.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Railroad Building/Effects on America
Today we are continuing our look at the building of the transcontinental railroad as well as the effect it had on America. We completed a chart that showed how 4 different areas were effected by the Transcontinental RR.
We then looked at some video clips of the problems that occured on the railroad including tunneling, explosives, avalanches and racism toward immigrant workers.
Video Clips:
Dangerous Jobs and Explosives
Musical Tribute to Chinese Workers
Musical Tribute to Irish Workers
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Some Loose Ends
Today I gave make up exams for those who missed the test on Friday. Grades for the Exam and Grades for the mid-marking period will be calculated and given tomorrow.
We needed to examine in greater detail the idea of Sharecropping and how in many ways it became the replacement economic system for slavery.
I also wanted the students to know about the evolution of the Ku Klux Klan after reconstruction. We looked at the rise in the 1920's, the clan vs civil rights, and the modern day KKK.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Unit Test Tomorrow
Any student who visits my blog before the test will recieve 3 extra points... Just send me an email with your name to jgibbons@esmschools.org
In order to be prepared for tomorrow's test, review the following.
Homework Sheets Sect 1, Sect 2 and Sect 3
-Review Quiz from last Friday-Review all notes in the Recon.Packet
-Re-Read the History Comic Book as well.
Video Clips:
Great Summary Video ( I highly recommend watching this)
Plessy v Ferguson Case
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Ending Reconstruction
After about ten years of Radical Reconstruction the country began looking at permanently ending military rule in the South. It was very expensive, made Southerners angry, and was making little progress in changing attitudes and the Southern way of life.
It was a Presidential Election (1876) that really led to the end of Reconstruction. After a highly contested election, a deal was made so that the Republican candidate would win, but only after he promised to remove all federal troops from the Southrn States.This will lead to a system of "Segregation" and Jim Crow Laws that will last for the next 80 years.
Video Clip: The Election of Rutherford B. Hayes
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The KKK and Southern Violence
In today's class we are looking at the worst of the Reconstruction. It really was a period of extensive violence and horrible behavior. Groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the White League terrorized the newly freed slaves and white carpetbaggers who came South after the war. Getting the U.S. back together was becoming seriously difficult.
Aftershock: The video we watched in class today
Monday, September 26, 2011
Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
Today we are looking at the changes that took place under Radical Reconstruction after the Civil War. Two groups in particular, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags drove old school white Southerners absolutely crazy. They felt like they were under attack again by the powers of the North.
Class Video: The Carpetbagging Yankees
Friday, September 23, 2011
The President vs. Congress
After our quiz on early reconstruction events we began to examine the relationship between President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republican alliance in Congress. This was a fight for the ages and resulted in a HUGE number of vetoes and overrides over how to properly reconstruct the South.
These battles results in the Radical Republican alliance using "impeachment" to get rid of Johnson. The charges are pretty weak, and the final votes in the Senate saves Johnson by 1 vote, BUT he is pretty powerless and silent for the rest of his term. he finished with more of a whimper than a bang.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Radical Reconstruction
As we continue on with U.S. Reconstruction, we find that new president Andrew Johnson is at odds with the Republican Congress. President Johnson lets the South re-form their governments and send new representatives back to Washington DC. There are hardly any punishments given to any Southern military leaders or government officials. Upon their return to the U.S., Southerners sent their former Confederate leaders and war heroes to serve in the new Congress. We also find that the newly free slaves, called "Freedmen" have to follow separate rules, called "black codes", from white people and are being discriminated against at every turn.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Conclusion:Lincoln Assassination
Today we are finishing up the 3 days we've spent on the Lincoln Assassination and trial of the conspirators. This is an extremely detailed series of events and I wanted tp take a little more time than usual examining this famous historical event.
I found a very interesting link that compares the film we just saw, The Conspirator, with history. You may be surprised how many things were told differently!!!
Film vs Fact: The Conspirator
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Lincoln Assassination: The Conspirator
We are starting a brand new film that just came out about called The Conspirator. It covers the details of the LIncoln Assassination, but mainly focuses in the trial of the accused conspirators especially the lone woman Mary Surratt.
***Any students who would like an opportunity for extra credit can visit one of the links below and tell me what you learned in a few sentences. Email to me at jgibbons@esmschools.org
Ford's Theater... Virtual Tour
Trial of the Lincoln Assassination Conspritors
Walking the Assassins Footsteps
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Lincoln Assassination Part 1
Today we are examining the events surrounding the Lincoln Assassination. To begin with, we talked about how this event has many layers. Most students come into 8th grade knowing a little about the assassination, but there is much more there to learn about.
We began by defining the word conspiracy and then understanding the motives behind John Wilkes Booth's plot. We then looked at the targets and locations the night of April 14th 1865 and why this triple murder plot was important to Booth. Tomorrow we will begin watching clips from the new movie called The Conspirator which focus on the assassination and the trial of the captured conspirators.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
U.S. Reconstruction 1865-1877
Today we move forward and tackle the problems facing the United States after the end of the Civil War. It's 1865 and the South is in shambles. Cities, railroads, factories and farms are destroyed. People are left homeless, loved ones are killed or wounded, and people are angry, depressed and unemployed. Can President lead the nation after the war? He was a strong courageous leader during the Civil War Hopefully his leader ship can continue after as well.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Start of U.S. Reconstruction
Friday, September 9, 2011
September 11th... Ten Years Later
Click for the My 9/11 Tribute with Political Cartoons
Today we are reviewing the events of September 11th 2001. It really is hard to believe that that much time has gone by. My current students were only 3 and 4 years old back in 2001 and I have found many don't know most of what happened.Through the use of pictures, video, articles and political cartoons we are revisiting the events as they unfolded 10 years ago.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Text Tour: The Online Textbook
Today's lesson will feature our class becoming accustomed to using the online textbook in Social Studies 8. There are some great advantages and shortcuts availible using the online book. This worksheet you are going to complete will show you many of the easier solutions to using an online text instead of a hard copy textbook.
Monday, April 25, 2011
WWII Continued
Before break we looked at and examined events in Europe from the early 1930's up into 1941. This included Hitler's Rise to Power, and world wide acts of aggression from Germany, Japan and Italy. The U.S entered WWII on December 7th 1941 when Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Great Depression and Unit Test
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Great Depression... The Beginnings
This week we've started the Great Depression period 1929-1939. What started this period was a combination of several events that built up in the late 1920's Overproduction of Goods, Banking Failures and the Stock Market Crash of 1929 are most notable.
For the rest of this week we will be discussing how the President at the time, Herbert Hoover, tried desperately to fix all of these problems....
For the rest of this week we will be discussing how the President at the time, Herbert Hoover, tried desperately to fix all of these problems....
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
"The Roaring 20's" ...contined
This week we will be finishing up the Roaring 20's decade by looking at the leadership in our government, changes in immigration, and the underlying problems in the economy leading up to the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
There will be a Quiz this Thursday on Material from Chapter 22 in the Textbook
Student should complete homework assignments, review notes and stay turned for more details regardign the quiz.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Why Did the U.S. Join WW1?
In today's class we are going to examine the 3 major reasons for the United States joining the side of the Allies in World War 1.
Aggressive German submarine warfare, including the sinking of the cruise ship
Lusitania, had a big impact on America towards fighting against Germany. The Germans had unleashed what they called "unrestricted Submarine Warfare" and were sink any ships bound to England that were not on the side of the Central Powers.
The intercepted Zimmerman Telegram was a direct threat on the US from Germany. The telegram was a plea to Mexico to attack America and help Germany win the war. Though the attack never came many believe this telegram to be genuine and led America to side with the Allies.
Lastly, the withdrawal of Russia gave the Germans a huge military advantage in that they no longer had to fight on 2 fronts. We realized the Allies may very well lose the war without our help. Also, being able to fight on a side without Russia and their oppressive Tsar made it much more appealing to Americans who believed in democracy.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Beginnings of World War 1
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Panama Canal
Today we started examining and discussing the reasons the US decided to build the Panama Canal. Looking at the military need for a "2 Ocean Navy" was a huge reason we went ahead on this enormous project. It was also mentioned that we we're not the first nation to try to build a canal through Panama.
Tonight's homework is to read Ch 20 Sect 3 and complete Worksheet 20 Sect 3 that goes with the reading. Tomorrow we will do an in-depth class on the contruction and operations of the Panama Canal.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Quiz on U.S. Expansion
Tomorrow we will have a Quiz on the U.S. Expansion Unit. If students bring their finished Latin American maps they may be used directly on the Quiz. The 2nd half of the quiz consists of questions from Chapter 20 Sect 1. Worksheet 20 Sect 1 was corrected in class Monday and the Sect 1 Outline given today in class covers the same material.
I do apologize for not posting this month. Strangely enough I have gotten no feedback from any of my students about this, so part of me wonders if this site is being used at all. I do hope students are visiting the page and I will begin posting daily for the rest of the year.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy New Year!!! 2011
Welcome Back!
A reminder that the cartoon (or video) project is due this Wednesday. I have extra copies of the direction sheets available in my room. There will be a 10 point per day deduction for late projects. Before you hand yours, please review the directions to make sure you have done what is asked. A little proofreading is always a good idea.... Yes, even in Social Studies!!!
Homework for tonight will be to finish the Ch 19 Sect 3 Worksheet entitled "The Rights of Women" It was assigned and collect before break, but i will take it tomorrow as on time... Merry Christmas!
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